I provide professional speaking engagements by appointment.
If you are interested in learning more about my work, my availabilities, pricing, and booking an engagement, please call me at 512-632-9194 or email me at cristina_peck@hotmail.com, and I will be happy to discuss your needs.
Recent Presentations
Stress management - Corvalent - Austin, TX
PTSD and cancer diagnosis
Addiction and relapse prevention
Burnout and prevention
Past Presentations
Trauma - A New Entry - Austin, TX
Relationships & Trauma - A New Entry - Austin, TX
Trauma & Addiction - A New Entry - Austin, TX
PTSD & Breast Cancer: How Traumatic is Breast Cancer?
Williamson County Women Cancer Support Group - Cedar Park, TX -
Neurobiology of Trauma - Austin, TX
Burnout Prevention - Texas Oncology - Austin, TX
Il Trauma Psicologico - Centro Velico La Maddalena - La Maddalena, Italy